It is early hybrid variety with strong disease resistance, grow fast, 20 to 25 days can be harvest after sowing, erect plant, bright purple leaf with green stem, good taste and high commercial quality, it is high value variety for the professional base field cultivation.
Root weight: 0.3 to 0.5kg
Days to maturity: 45 to 60 days after sowing
Root shape: round
Root length: 10cm
Root skin color: dark red
Flesh: white
Remarks: Tolerant to high temperature. Anti-cracking. Can be planted in big density. Good commercial quality.Suitable for planting in summer and autumn .Yield is 30-45ton/ha
Days to maturity: 25 to 30 days after sowing
Root length: 4cm
Remarks: Suitable for cultivation all the year round. Fast growing. Good commercial quality. Suitable for planting in summer and autumn. Yield is 30-45ton/ha.
Maturity:85 days after transplanting
Head Type: flat
Head color: green
Head weight: 4.0-5.0kg
Remark:Late maturity, cold tolerance, uniform, anti-cracking, resistance to Black rot and club root disease.
Root weight: 0.5 to 1kg
Days to maturity: 40 days after sowing
Root shape: long cylinder
Root color: white
Root length: 30 to 35cm
Remarks: Good resistance to heat.High yield.Early maturity.Suitable for growing in summer and autumn
Days to maturity: 50 days after sowing
Root length: 50 to 55cm
Remarks: Early maturity.Tolerant to low temperature.Not easy bolting.High yield.Good resistance
Root weight: 0.7kg
Days to maturity: 60 days after sowing
Root shape: short cylinder
Root length: 16 to 18cm
Root skin color: red
Remarks: Tolerant to high and low temperature.Good commercial quality.Suitable for planting in all four seasons.But if in early spring or winter,it should take protecting cultivation
Root weight: 0.4 to 0.5kg
Days to maturity: 55 days after sowing
Root shape: oval
Root length: 15 to 18cm
Root skin color: purple red
Flesh: purple red
Remarks: Uniform root. Good commercial quality. Suitable for planting in summer and autumn. Yield is 30-45ton/ha.
Root weight: 0.5to 1.0kg
Root length: 20 to 25cm
Root skin color: bright green
Flesh: green
Remarks: It’s good fruit fresh radish. Uniform root. Good commercial quality. Suitable for planting in summer and autumn. Yield is 30-45ton/ha.
It is early hybrid variety with strong cold and heat tolerance, erect plant,red purple leaf with good taste, which can be as the special high value products for professional base field cultivation.
Maturity:50 days after transplanting
Head Type:Round
Head weight: 1.0 to 1.5kg
Remark: early maturity, heat tolerance, uniform, anti-cracking, resistance to Black rot disease.
This variety is heat and moisture tolerance, 20 days can be harvest after sowing in summer, bright green beautiful leaf and easy for machine washing, nice plant type and uniform, which is ideal variety for professional base field cultivation.
It is early maturity variety, erect plant with green leaf, heat and moisture tolerance, can be planted all year round and be used for baby leaf salad eating.
This is a tetraploid variety,32cm in height and 44cm in spreading width.Dark green leaves are oval in shape.Good taste with less fiber.Better adaptability.Tolerant to low temperature.Resistant to diseases.High quality and high yield.
Maturity:75 days after transplanting
Flower head Type:dome
Flower head color: white
Flower head weight: 2.0kg
Remark:medium maturity,uniform, resistance to Black rot. Suitable for planting in spring&summer season.
Maturity:55 days after transplanting
Flower head weight: 1.0-1.5kg
Remark:early maturity, heat tolerance, uniform, resistance to Black rot. Suitable for planting in summer&autumn season
Maturity:65 days after transplanting
Head Type: round
Head color: purple
Head weight: 1.5-2.0kg
Remark:medium maturity, short core, heat tolerance, uniform, anti-cracking, resistance to Black rot.Suitable for planting in summer&autumn season
Head weight: 3.0-4.0kg
Remark:medium maturity, heat tolerance, uniform, anti-cracking, resistance to Black rot and club root disease.
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